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+62 812 1010 1131

About US

PT. SUGIS KONSTRUKSI BERSAMA (SKB Group) is a Planning, Design, Supervision, and Management of Construction Implementation, as well as Property Development starting from Surveys, Planning (Drawings & RAB), to Implementation in the Field based on Sharia.

Several SKB Group projects focus on building Islamic boarding schools, tahfiz houses and mosques.

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Our Services


PT. SUGIS KONSTRUKSI BERSAMA provides services for Interior Design of Houses, Buildings and Residences (housing).

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PT. SUGIS KONSTRUKSI BERSAMA provides House, Building and Residence Renovation services.

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PT. SUGIS KONSTRUKSI BERSAMA provides Islamic Construction construction services from start to finish.

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PT. SUGIS KONSTRUKSI BERSAMA provides Residence Procurement services from start to finish.

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Why US?

Sugisgroup in the concept of dealing with clients, applies the transaction method according to Islamic guidelines so that the transaction is free from Riba.

The muamalah concept that we apply is:
– No Flowers
– No Fines
– Without Sita
– Bankless
– Without Bathil Contract
– No Insurance
– Without BI Checking


News & Updates


Property Syariah

What is Sharia Property?

Sharia property is a type of property that uses the transaction method in buying and selling property in accordance with Islamic guidelines. In general, sharia property has a payment system that does not involve banks or systems that contain elements of usury which are not allowed.

Why Should Sharia Property?

As a Muslim it is an obligation to follow Islamic guidelines in everyday life, including in the case of buying and selling property, we should pay attention to the conditions for buying and selling land or other property in accordance with Islamic guidelines. Free from detrimental agreements, the contract of sale and purchase agreement using the sharia method will protect both parties from unjust elements including avoiding detrimental fines and confiscations. Investment in the afterlife, usury-free sharia property has investment value in the future, but as a Muslim, investment benchmarks do not only have investment value in the world but also have investment value in the hereafter which will bring blessings to life in the hereafter.

SKB and Sharia Property

Owning sharia property is the dream of many people, SKB Group as a property developer and contractor tries to be present to provide the best offers without neglecting a contract process that is trustworthy, professional and in accordance with Islamic guidelines.

If you have questions and problems about buildings, contact us at +62 812 1010 1131